Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Happy Tuesday: Happy Thrift Finds

We had an aunt & uncle visit us for the first time this past weekend. The aunt told me how much she liked our place, and was surprised to learn that most everything--and I mean everything--in our house is from thrift stores, church sales, etc.

The painting above (sorry about the blurry photo) is one of the many good things my partner and I have discovered recently; we love to thrift shop, not just for the obvious $$ savings, but because it's about reusing, recyling, and reimagining (therefore creativity, not simply consumerism, is involved); it's about directing our money to charities instead of corporations; it's about giving new life & love to things that someone else has decided are no longer worthy or valuable.

Plus, we can afford to have really excellent quality clothes/goods/furniture (like this art deco lampshade, for instance) that we would otherwise not be able to afford. It's so win-win, through & through.