Friday, October 12, 2007

Feeling Cocky


So thank you all for your kind words on Forecast. I was really flattered by your comments.

But I'm also waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy late in thanking two other women whom I admire so much: Olga of YoLaTejo and Parihka of TheBrownSheep. These two talented, intelligent and gorgeous women tagged me for two awards: Olga honored me with a "Schmoozer Award" and Parikha, a "ROCKIN' GIRL BLOGGER" award weeks (months?) back, just when I was forcing myself to step away from all the blogging/ravelry time for a rest from the computer world (and to get some work in the so-called real world done!).

These awards mean a lot to me, because, as Olga says in her post, "I probably wouldn't still be doing this blogging thing if it weren't for you all." It's true for me too. The group of warm, genuine, supportive women I've "met" via this blog--and theirs--has added immensely to my creative life. Often the blog seems like another thing I have to do on an already full list, but then I think of you all, and how much I enjoy interacting with you, and I know for sure that I want to keep blogging--even if it is really sporadically, at times. So a big shout out of LOVE goes to all you--even the silent lurkers!!


And this photo is for Al Gore, who just might be feeling a bit cocky today as well :) YAY GORE AND ENVIRONMENTALISTS EVERYWHERE!! YOU'RE ALL DEFINITELY ROCKIN'! And so, in honor of this wonderful day for Gore and the UN panel and the EARTH, I'm going to point you towards a few of my favourite environmental websites: SewGreen;; and

~ And remember: 15 October is Blog Action Day: Unite!